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15 June (Thu)
Red: Virgin Red & Cleopatra - The Dowry of The Egyptian Demon Queen
兩個角色,伊麗莎白一世和克利奧帕特拉,來自兩部歌劇作品《血灑英廷》和《凱撒大帝》。 伊麗莎白一世被稱為處女女王,嫁給了她的國家,並使它成為歐洲最強大的王國。 恰恰相反,埃及豔后嫁給了凱撒大帝,猶如將埃及獻給羅馬。這就應驗了彭定康先生的名言:新政權將收到「自埃及豔后以來最大的嫁妝」。 它成為我的「重聽」項目的想法。
Two characters, Elizabeth I and Cleopatra, came from two opera productions, Maria Sturada and Julius Caesar. Elizabeth I was called the Virgin Queen and was married to her country and made it the strongest kingdom in Europe. On the contrary, Cleopatra was married to Julius Caesar and Egypt as a dowry to Rome, which turned out a famous quote of Mr. Patten: the new regime will receive the “biggest dowry since Cleopatra”. It became my idea for the “Re-hear”project.
藝術家 Artists
張浩然 Andrew Cheung
服裝設計 Costume Design / 形象設計 Image Design
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