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國家及地區展館 香港館 
Exhibition for Countries and Regions
Hong Kong Pavilion



香港館策展團隊重新思考本地劇場於過去數年的演出模式、面對突變時的應對,設計出一個多變的結構:可移動的牆壁、16格的可旋轉方格、留白的空間,盛載劇場設計藝術家「重新審視」過往的作品。以時延展覽(Durational Exhibition)為概念,香港館將在長達11天的展期內,每日固定於布拉格時間上午11時35分進行「I / O大轉景」,「換景」到下一組作品,「上演」新的作品。


Witnessing the tremendous changes and rare phenomena in the city and also the world in the past few years, the curatorial team of Hong Kong Pavilion has teamed up with 11 groups of professional theatre artists to “re-hear” and revitalize their previous works with an alternative perspective and approach.


In tribute to the unprecedented change in performance mode due to the pandemic, versatility and flexibility are the keywords in the overall concept of the Pavilion. A moving wall with 16 spinning blocks creates multi-functional space for the works to be re-heard. This durational exhibition will feature each group of artists with a performative “I/O Scene Change'' at Prague’s time 11:35am everyday, swapping the artworks on a daily basis, during the 11-day period.

​資助 Supported by

Hong Kong Arts Development Council

作品 Artworks

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08 June (Thu)



Our Atlas (PQ2023)

葉卓棠 Moon Yip

跨媒體藝術創作 Multi-media Art

黃靜婷 Chloe Wong

表演藝術家 Performing Artist / 編舞家 Choreographer

葉曉雲 Andrew Yip

媒體製作 Media Production

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10 June (Sat)



The Fadings - Theatre Designers Quest for Life

李衛民 Priman Lee

佈景及燈光設計 Set & Lighting Design

袁玉英 Shybil Yuen

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design

洪文寶 Hung Man Po

插畫設計 Illustration

歐陽如思 Au Yeung Yu Sze, Karen

插畫設計 Illustration

許頴琪 Hui Wing Kei, Winnie

插畫設計 Illustration

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12 June (Mon)


Inside Out

張力行 Keith Cheung

佈景設計 Set Design

鄧煒培 Billy Tang

燈光設計 Lighting Design

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14 June (Wed)



The Mysterious Laboratory

陳翔 Kristopher Chan

音響設計及作曲 Sound Design & Composing

王啟敏 Teresa Wong

特許工程師 Chartered Engineer / 舞台藝術教育 Stage Arts Education / 音樂及音響設計 Music and Sound Design

吳家慧 Dikky Ng

燈光設計 Lighting Design

劉雅婷 Candy Lau

創意概念 Creative Concept /

公關傳訊及宣傳 Public Relation & Promotion / 活動策劃 Event Planning / 技術管理 Technical Management

余逢傑 Yue Fung Kit

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design

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16 June (Fri)



The Mind Murder

洪榮賢 Hung Wing Yin

服裝設計 Costume Design /

刺繡藝術 Embroidery Art /

沙畫藝術 Sand Art

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18 June (Sun)



Wei Wei The Tiny Mini Song

陳映靜 Chen Ying Ching, Xiaomi

木偶設計 Puppet Design


阮漢威 Yuen Hon Wai

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design

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09 June (Fri)



The Plague

岑宗達 Sham Chung Tat, Victor

音響設計 Sound Design

胡皓嵐 Wu Hou Lam, Eagle

作曲 Composer /

跨媒體藝術 Multi-media Art

陳衍昊 Chan Hin Hou, Bu

音響設計 Sound Design

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11 June (Sun)


Sacred Realm


插畫設計 Illustration /

舞台設計 Stage Design /

藝術教育 Arts Education

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13 June (Tue)



The White Shadow


佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design

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15 June (Thu)



Red: Virgin Red & Cleopatra - The Dowry of The Egyptian Demon Queen

張浩然 Andrew Cheung

服裝設計 Costume Design /

形象設計 Image Design


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17 June (Sat)



Ritual of Bread

趙靜怡 Chiu Ching Yi

燈光設計 Lighting Design /

藝術裝置 Installation Art

​關於 About PQ

首屆布拉格劇場設計四年展 (PQ) 於 1967 年舉行,當時展覽名為 Prague Quadrennial Exhibition of Scenography and Theatre Architecture「劇場美學設計和劇場建築展」。隨著世界上對「劇場」定義的演變,自 2011 年始,展覽已改名為 Prague Quadrennial Performance Design and Space「演出設計與空間」。每個國家地區均會精心設計其展館,聚首一堂在布拉格一起展示各個地域的演出設計,涉獵範疇包括劇場空間、佈景設計,服裝設計、燈光設計、音響設計、多媒體設計等。此外,PQ 也是一個非常多元化的藝術節。自 1967 年開辦以來,透過展覽、藝術節、工作坊、演出、論壇、教育活動以及駐村等計畫,成為劇場設計頂尖作品的交流與教育平台。


The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space was established in 1967 to bring the best of design for performance, scenography, and theatre architecture to the front line of cultural activities to be experienced by professional and emerging artists as well as the general public.

The Prague Quadrennial is globally known as a two-week event taking place every four years since 1967 in Prague, Czech Republic. This model has been evolving. More and more designers now understand PQ as a platform: a continual stream of activities and collaborations happening across the globe with many different partners, creative professionals, artists, researchers, and theorists. Each on-site festival of PQ is now a culmination of the efforts of the preceding 4 years: a celebration and an opportunity for performing arts professionals from around the world to come to one place and share their work, ideas, and thoughts during the quadrennial festival. We work towards making the 2023 edition once again an opportunity for many new and unique shared experiences.


While celebrating the diverse forms of performance design/scenography around the globe, the Prague Quadrennial strives to present it as an art form concerned with the creation of holistic performance environments, not just decorative backgrounds; these performative spaces creatively respond to current issues of our world, ask important questions, and invite us to participate in unique moments. Every four years, PQ’s central curatorial concept shapes the festival and offers its participants a fresh look at the artistic reflection of our times in performance designs and scenographies.

For more info, please visit 

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Curatorial and Production Team

策展人 Curators

李浩賢 Lee Ho Yin, Lawrence劉銘鏗 Lau Ming Hang, Sunfool

徐碩朋 Tsui Shek Pang, Allan陳國慧 Chan Kwok Wai, Bernice


監製 Producers

羅妙妍 Miu Law謝沅珩 Tse Yuen Hang, Denise


宣傳及行政統籌 Marketing and Administrative Coordinator

余穎彤 Yu Wing Tung, Enid

製作經理 Production Manager

曾以德 Tsang Yee Tak, Joey


展覧經理 Exhibition Manager

李綻容 Lee Tsan Yung, Agnes


展覧統籌 Exhibition Coordinators

朱嘉明 Chu Ka Ming, Sunny 、林朗峰 Lam Long Fung, Ronly、

羅穎禧 Law Wing Hei, Heibe、李佩恩 Lee Pui Yan, Joanna、

陳偉德 Chan Wai Tak, Eric、陳炳基 Chan Ping Kei, Danny、

徐健雄 Chui Kin Hung, Ban

攝影及錄影 Photographer / Video Archive

李健偉 Lee Kin Wai, Max

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