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伍宇烈 - 藝術顧問

Ng Yue Lit, Yuri - Artistic Consultant

伍宇烈,香港本地土生土長的資深舞蹈家,涉獵芭蕾舞、當代舞、戲劇、古典音樂及無伴奏合唱,以至舞台佈景及服裝設計等範疇。伍氏六歲起隨王仁曼女士學習古典芭蕾舞,其後獲奬學金前往加拿大及英國深造。1983 年赢取英國珍妮特國際芭蕾舞比賽金奬,同年加入加拿大國家芭蕾舞團為職業舞蹈員。1993 年回港發展,並與 CCDC 開始建立深厚淵源。過往曾多次與 CCDC 合作,於《單吊‧西‧遊記》(1993)任編舞、佈景及服裝設計;《更衣記》(1995)及《硬銷》(2008)任編舞;《男生》(1996)、《糊塗爆竹賀新年》(1997)任編舞及服裝設計;《季節性效應》(2008)、《舞!舞?舞……》(2009)、《城市封神》(2011)任舞台/佈景及服裝設計;《香‧夭》(2018)任編舞、佈景及服裝設計;於2021 年正式擔任藝術總監。

伍氏於 1997 年獲香港藝術家聯盟頒發「藝術家年奬—編舞」;1998 年憑舞蹈作品《男生》獲法國 Bagnolet 編舞奬。2006 年,伍氏於珍妮特國際芭蕾舞比賽編創的兩支獨舞收編為英國皇家芭蕾舞學院課程內容。2008 年憑與香港小交響樂團合作《士兵的故事》獲香港舞蹈年獎、2012 年香港舞蹈年獎中獲得「傑出成就獎」,並於 2013 年獲香港藝術發展局頒發「年度最佳藝術家獎(舞蹈)」,2019 年憑《香‧夭》奪得香港舞蹈年獎「傑出編舞」及「傑出大型場地舞蹈製作」。

伍氏現任一舖清唱藝術顧問,2011- 2013 年為香港小交響樂團駐團藝術家。

Born in Hong Kong and an experienced dance artist, Yuri Ng has been involved with ballet, contemporary dance, drama, classical music and a cappella, as well as stage setting and costume design. He began classical ballet training with Jean Wong at the age of six, going on to win scholarships to study in Canada and the United Kingdom. He was awarded the Adeline Genée Gold Medal from the Royal Academy of Dancing (RAD) in 1983 before joining The National Ballet of Canada as a dancer.

After his return to Hong Kong in 1993, Ng established a strong connection with CCDC. He worked with the Company on many performances, including A Game of ____ (1993) as choreographer and set and costume designer; The Second Shirt Skirt Show (1995) and Love On Sale (2008) as choreographer; le beau (1996) and The Firecracker (1997) as choreographer and costume designer. He contributed to Seasonal Syndromes (2008), Very Dance (2009) and The Legend and The Hero (2011) as stage/set and costume designer, and to Requiem HK (2018) as choreographer, set and costume designer.

Yuri Ng received the Artist of the Year Award – Choreographer from Hong Kong Artists’ Guild in 1997 and in 1998, and was awarded the Prix d’ Auteur at the Sixth  Rencontres Choreographiques Internationale de Seine-St-Denis (Bagnolet) for his choreography of Boy Story. His two solo pieces choreographed for Genée International Ballet Competition in 2006 have been adopted into the RAD syllabus. His choreography of A Soldier’s Story, in collaboration with Hong Kong Sinfonietta, received the Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2008. He won a Distinguished Achievement Award at the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2012 and Award for Best Artist (Dance) from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2013. Ng also won Outstanding Choreography and Outstanding Large Venue Production for Requiem HK at the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2019.

Yuri Ng is currently the Artistic Advisor of Yat Po Singers. He was the Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s Artist Associate from 2011-2013.

承蒙城市當代舞蹈團允許參與是次製作 With kind permission of City Contemporary Dance Company

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